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Su Mingjuan was born into a peasant family in Zhangwancun Village, Taodi Township, Jinzai County, Anhui Province. In April 1991, when she studied at Grade One in a primary school, Xie Hailong, a calligrapher from Beijing, visited her school and took a picture of her in the classroom. In the picture, Su was attending the class attentively, with bright eyes filled with thirsty for knowledge. The photo was taken by the China Youths Development Fund as a symbol picture of Project Hope. It moves many Chinese to donate to Project Hope, hence called the most influential advertisement of Project Hope.        In the process of making nine-year compulsory education universal, many warm-hearted personages and social bodies donated money generously to help children in poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by ethnic minorities attend school. The most influential are Project Hope and Project Spring Bud.
       In late October 1989, China Youth Development Foundation announced the launch of Project Hope, which aims to pool social donations to help develop elementary education in poverty-stricken areas. Through establishing scholarships, Project Hope helps, on a long-term basis, pupils in poverty-stricken areas who have left school because of family financial difficulties to resume study. Project Hope also builds and repairs school buildings and buys instruments, stationery and books for poor townships. Project Hope has conducted such activities as "Actions of One Million Loving Hearts" and "1 + 1 Aid for School Attendance Action" (one family helps one school-age kid in a poverty-stricken area to finish school). Many donors have established contacts with beneficiary pupils and directly get to know their study and living conditions. This has not only increased the transparency of Project Hope but is a way of subjecting itself to social supervision.
       In November 1989, Project Hope received its first donation of 20 yuan -- a pupil in the city of Tianjin donated her pocket money for kids of her own age in poor areas. Since then, Project Hope has touched the


Workers with Project Hope Donation Center receiving donators.

Advertisement made to mobilize the public to aid the female dropouts.
